Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Documentarian goes native

I had a dream... last night, where I was conscious that I was dreaming but it was like I was dreaming it and writing about it at the same time. The prose was better than anything that I have written so far in waking life, probably because I wasn't criticising myself as I wrote. It just let it flow, felt the moment; the emotion; the passion for all things- good ol' plain gusto for privilege of life. Yet I awake again foggy headed and like I am living under a cloud of allergens. What the?

I have come to realise I have reached Stage 7 (is that the number we are up to?) Realisations. Life is becoming clearer for me, the mental and emotional blockades are being revealed to me and I stand before them thinking "Wow, I don't need you anymore". Here are some of the realisations that have cropped up

1. I spent too much time in my head.
The answers to life's questions are simple- really; I shit you not. I just spend that much time in my head documenting and analysing that I come up with very lucid, rational and well thought out explanations for why things are they way they are. Then after all that thinking, rethinking, editing of thoughts and preparation of final submissions, the universe lands me with the cold facts- This is how it is, it is simple, obvious and in your face and you would have seen it if you weren't hiding inside your head. So universe I get the picture- stop spending so much time in my head and look around, spend more time with others and give them the benefit of the doubt. Just because experience has given you a few bad eggs, doesn't mean that everyone you meet has an agenda, or that they are going to let you down in some way or (the biggest fear) break your heart. You are what you think, attract what you think and live the manifestation of your thoughts. See again, simple answer. If it all comes down to thought, change them if they aren't delivering what you really want.

Of course, a small disclaimer. The excavations I have been doing in my psyche have been beneficial and I have been able to learn a lot more about myself. But the key is balance. Balance what you think, what you eat, how you treat people, the world, yourself. It all comes down to balance. And from balance comes harmony and then we are all happy campers.

2. I document life too much and fail to live it
Yes it is an oxymoron in actions a I write to you about writing about life rather than living it. But I see this now. So, without further ado, I will leave you to ponder while I get out there and address in myself what needs to be done, what need to be repaired and what needs to be celebrated through action.


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