Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So what was the idea of this again?

After a month or two on soul searching and some whinging to boot, I watched Julie and Julia again and realised the whole reason why I started this blog- To to the things I always wanted to do, within sometype of time frame and get my shit togethre generally. And of course to meet Richard Branson. How easily one can lose focus....

Well I am happy to report that I am finally hip hopping my stuff all over the Mad Dance Studio every Saturday and I am loving it to bits! I have started writing THE book and I have been blogging my poerty as a precursor to publication (me hopes). I have also gotten off my butt and started cold calling law firms in the search of THE perfect job. So in lieu of the bitching and moaning I have been doing in the past (which was benefical as I am getting to know myself very well in the absence of alcohol and if I keep it all to myself I would most definately explode) I am back into the swing of things and living the life less ordinary.

I'll be back- Until then, keep out of trouble

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