Sunday, November 1, 2009

Accidental Achieving

I have just realised that I unknowing achieved one of my goals today and didn't even realise it. I was getting a coffee at the local McCafe this morning, when the collection box for Ronald McDonald's house was starring me in the face. I had to scrouge up enough change to get my coffee and I looked at the last dollar that sat in my hand. My thought was "this was my last dollar, I might need to do some photocoping later or buy myself an apple" but what I felt was "Give the damn money away, if you really need the apple or to photocopy something you will find a way" This mental struggle went on for a few seconds longer than I would care to admit, but then I just felt wrong if I kept it for something, well meaningless. In so into Ronald's head it went

So... I just gave away my last dollar to someone who needed it more. It wasn't the way I had envisioned it happening, but my sense of charity prevailed over self gratification. Together with just banking the money I raised for CanTeen and achieveing the little challenge I set for myself this morning, I must admit I am on a bit of a good feeling vibe right now :)

P.S. I think I will keep that objective on my list though

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