Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tahnee's Year of Abstinence

Good Morning all! I come to you this morning from the hub of knowledge and tranquility (otherwise know as the library), and I come bearing some exciting news. After talking to Simon from Life Education Australia, we are teaming up to raise awareness about alcohol abuse in Australia. I have committed myself to giving up alcohol for a year to raise funds and awareness about the program. Simon is currently creating a website titled "Tahnee's year of abstinence" and I will let you all know the address when it is up and running. So here is the deal:

As of January 1, I will be alcohol free up until 12pm 31 December 2010. There is the opportunity to buy "pass outs", so that on the rare special occasion I can have a drink if I choose. However, the pass out will cost me $50 and I am not allowed for than 5 for the year. However, being an all or nothing kinda girl, my aim is to be alcohol free for the entire year- no pass outs. But I guess it is nice to know there is a safety net and the challenge remains on track if I want to celebrate a special occasion with my friends and family.

So watch out, over the next few months and into the new year I will be out and about looking for sponsors, individual, small businesses and corporations alike- no one is safe. And hopefully there will even be some people that would like to join me on my quest. And remember it doesn't have to be for a whole year- The Ocsober campaign will be running again next year and you can commit to giving up alcohol for a month. Not only will you be a better example to all the kids out there growing up in Australia's unfortunate drinking culture, but your liver will love you for it!

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