Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth- Lessons Learnt from Al Gore

We, or at least just me, has had their head further up their arse than we would care to admit. I am personally responsible, albeit with other "tourists" to this planet, for the fact that Polar Bears are drowning. Yes my GHD, ipod, my Palmolive body wash, my supermarket bought food imported from god knows where, my mobile phone and all its extras has created a butterfly effect that is causing death. As much as I would love to be ignorant and enjoy the fruit of the labors of the last century, I AM A POLAR BEAR KILLER

You may think that the statement is overkill in an sense it is- its not just me, my best friend, my boss, my mother, my family, my workmates are all killing POLAR BEARS... and many more species than we care to admit.

And as much as Australia's are saying "the Americans are stalling on this- what have they done- Americans are ignorant." But the fact remains, we have not committed as a nation to the Kyoto agreement. We cannot rest on the ignorant assumption that our governments will do the right thing. The will do the right thing for our economies right now and we cannot blame them for that. They need to respond to our needs right now to stay in power. WE need to make them act. The law, the government is a reactive function. They do what they can, but these structures are designed to respond the the opinion of the masses. As a part of the masses, I refuse to believe in the commercial doubt campaigns that champions economic prosperity through "dirty" technology . Take advantage of the way in the system is designed and the historically evidence that there is strength in numbers.

We have the ability, the knowledge and technology to change our world, yet we do nothing. Before we see our children drowning in seas that we never thought would reach the inner sanctums, we need to act. Do I need to have straight hair every day? Does my 60" plasma make me happier as a person? As a community and as a world population at large, we can make a difference in the everyday choices we make. What can I do without today that will provide ten fold for the generations that proceed me. As much as we are indoctrinated to believe differently, we are more than current consumerist ideals. We can change the future, we can change our lives for ourselves, for our communities and for the world at large- NOW

Beyond all of this, we have become so disenchanted from our environment. I admit I spend many morning, walking the idyllic beaches of the gold coat and I think about my finances, my weight, my comforts and pressures- I forget to acknowledge to beauty that confronts me as it slips away. There is really something in the old adage "take the time to smell the flowers". Not only will we commune with nature, experience the bountiful sensory implications of that communication, but you will want nothing more for our children to have the same ability to do indulge those same senses.

So many people resign themselves to their pressures, to what is expected of them right now and do nothing. There is pressure and I feel it like the rest of the world. But if we do nothing the families, the lineage we hope to give to the world will purely cease to exist.

If only for the polar bear left stranded at sea for our ignorance and need for decadent indulgence, do something. Every step, as minor as it seems to you, will make a different. Do not concern yourself with what others are not prepared to do. Just do it. You will make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I have made changes from facial products that are carbon neutral, organic and readily available and cheap. I support local farmers markets which are more accessible these days than major banks. there is so much we can do on an everyday basis in every aspects that can reduce the impact we have on this earth.
