Thursday, February 4, 2010

List Update

Hello there ferrets, it has been far too long between blogs and for this I apologise. It is now time to update you on the progress on the list to date.

1. As you know, I have given up alcohol for a year to raise money for Life Education Australia- and I have done 1 month already!!!! Yay me. So far have $290 pledged

2. I have been on the reading trail but admit I have hit a wall when it comes to ease of reading. I recently tried to read the Book of revealations and I really have no more than a faint idea as to what it is all about. Apparently the meaning to the Bible in general is not literal at all, but in the subtext. I am having trouble getting the literal at this point. But solider on I shall. I also picked up the B. Gita today from the Library, lets hope I have better luck with that!

3. The hair has been cut off and I have stopped biting my nails

4. So I think I can dance? Well soon I will be able to- start dancing at Mad Dance House in the city doing Hip Hop and Latin. God help me!

5. Moving out of home. Not an official list accomplishment, but come on- I am 27 and though I have been out in the world before, it is really time to fly the coup once more.

6. Raised more money for the kids in Cambodia-booya!

There is probably more to tell but after 3 hours of training this morning and another day of applications to find that perfect job I am spent. Talk to y'all soon xoxox

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