Thursday, November 26, 2009

Book List Updates

I have powered through the following books:

Lets not Crew it, Let's Just do it- Richard Branson
Act like a Lady, think like a man- Steve Harvey
The Richest Man in Babylon- Richard Clarson

The Ease of Achievement

Well the ceramic teapot has been replaced with vietnamese iced tea, but the vibe is still the same- small steps to achieve a much bigger picture. I have been amazed the little things I have achieved that graduate on to bigger accomplishments and make the final challenges appear so much more attainable.

For example my climbing challenge-

Step One: When I first put this down in writing my friend Steve called me and invited me to go indoor rock climbing at burleigh before I left for Vietnam. I scrambled up those walls with joy and abandon and though little of the physical strain it takes to climb those walls. The hardest thing was letting go

Step Two: I arrived at the majestic temples of Angor Wat and Thom where I climbed my first "mountain"- the locals call Bayon, the temple mountain. It is only about 50m to the summit, but I found that my new found skills came in handy as the steps are shallow and steep. This was also the case at the terrace of the Leper King. I must admit although it might not seem that high I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I reached the top. And Mum did a fantastic job. She has a raging case of vertigo but sucked it up and made it to the top as well.

Step Three: In Battambang, to get to the Killing CAves, you need to climb Boat mountain. Admittantly, there are steps up the mountain but it is much, much higher and again when I reached the top, dripping in sweat from the Cambodian heat, the smile again was broad. I was yet another step closer to achieveing my mountain climbing challenge

Now I await the mountains in Sapa in Northern Vietnam. It will be trekking up the mountains but there are no predetermined steps. Soon, on to the next step where I will be on the side of a mountain, harnessed up and finding my footholds and telling you about the biggest smile ever!

This challenge in itself has shown that I need to be kinder to myself, take joy in the little accomplishments and that joy will propel me further and faster into the future that I create for myself, step by step

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Off with her hair!

Hello and greetings from the busy Ho Chi Ming City! I have a quick report in that I have crossed something off my list:


I figure as it is almost as hot as hades here, that this was the time and the place to take the leap, or should I say cut. Can you believe that I got a cut, colour, shampoo, blowdry and massage and got my mum a pedicure and manicure for just over $40- I LOVE THIS PLACE! Most off all I am finally coming to understand why I came to this place- to understand fully the privledged life we leave in Australia.

Here is a quick comparsion: As a supervisor at BHH I could make up to $800-$1000 for a 38 hour week, depending on loadings and public holidays. Last night we meet Tai, manager of the Go2BBQ here in Saigon. He works everyday but Wednesday, but currently works everyday as his staff are new. He can make a MAXIMUM of 4, 000, 000 VND per month (Which is about $200 AUS). About 1, 500, 000 goes to his Mother in Denang as she has debts and has 8 children in total. His share accomodation is 500, 000 per month (and god knows how many people he shares with). The last 2,000,000 VND (approx 500,000 VND per week) is all he has left. His ambition is to become a tour guide- which you have to UNIVERSITY for! So he works hard for his tips as you can imagine. This is the story of someone that is somewhat well off here in saigon. Imagine what it is like for the street peddlers and other vietnamese people that break their back for a meagre wage. I came to realise, that no matter what you do here at home, whether it is "f***king scraping dishes" as chef so eloquently puts it, we truley have it good in Australia

Monday, November 9, 2009

To Infinity and Beyond

Good Morning space travellers! I grace you this morning with the green tea in hand but with some very exciting news- I am going to Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia... TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does this mean that the List goes on hold? Does it deserve a holiday as well? HARDLY! This holiday is just an example of the gateway of opportunities; the plethora of experiences that stand at my disposal. This trip, and my new life after it, IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!

So imagine, if you can, Stewardess Tahnee, in a beautiful red uniform waving you forward to join me on the first step of my quest. We will see elephants, monkeys, great food and great times! You will be the first to know if any list crossing off opportunities are to be had.

Until then check out

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth- Lessons Learnt from Al Gore

We, or at least just me, has had their head further up their arse than we would care to admit. I am personally responsible, albeit with other "tourists" to this planet, for the fact that Polar Bears are drowning. Yes my GHD, ipod, my Palmolive body wash, my supermarket bought food imported from god knows where, my mobile phone and all its extras has created a butterfly effect that is causing death. As much as I would love to be ignorant and enjoy the fruit of the labors of the last century, I AM A POLAR BEAR KILLER

You may think that the statement is overkill in an sense it is- its not just me, my best friend, my boss, my mother, my family, my workmates are all killing POLAR BEARS... and many more species than we care to admit.

And as much as Australia's are saying "the Americans are stalling on this- what have they done- Americans are ignorant." But the fact remains, we have not committed as a nation to the Kyoto agreement. We cannot rest on the ignorant assumption that our governments will do the right thing. The will do the right thing for our economies right now and we cannot blame them for that. They need to respond to our needs right now to stay in power. WE need to make them act. The law, the government is a reactive function. They do what they can, but these structures are designed to respond the the opinion of the masses. As a part of the masses, I refuse to believe in the commercial doubt campaigns that champions economic prosperity through "dirty" technology . Take advantage of the way in the system is designed and the historically evidence that there is strength in numbers.

We have the ability, the knowledge and technology to change our world, yet we do nothing. Before we see our children drowning in seas that we never thought would reach the inner sanctums, we need to act. Do I need to have straight hair every day? Does my 60" plasma make me happier as a person? As a community and as a world population at large, we can make a difference in the everyday choices we make. What can I do without today that will provide ten fold for the generations that proceed me. As much as we are indoctrinated to believe differently, we are more than current consumerist ideals. We can change the future, we can change our lives for ourselves, for our communities and for the world at large- NOW

Beyond all of this, we have become so disenchanted from our environment. I admit I spend many morning, walking the idyllic beaches of the gold coat and I think about my finances, my weight, my comforts and pressures- I forget to acknowledge to beauty that confronts me as it slips away. There is really something in the old adage "take the time to smell the flowers". Not only will we commune with nature, experience the bountiful sensory implications of that communication, but you will want nothing more for our children to have the same ability to do indulge those same senses.

So many people resign themselves to their pressures, to what is expected of them right now and do nothing. There is pressure and I feel it like the rest of the world. But if we do nothing the families, the lineage we hope to give to the world will purely cease to exist.

If only for the polar bear left stranded at sea for our ignorance and need for decadent indulgence, do something. Every step, as minor as it seems to you, will make a different. Do not concern yourself with what others are not prepared to do. Just do it. You will make a difference.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tahnee's Year of Abstinence

Good Morning all! I come to you this morning from the hub of knowledge and tranquility (otherwise know as the library), and I come bearing some exciting news. After talking to Simon from Life Education Australia, we are teaming up to raise awareness about alcohol abuse in Australia. I have committed myself to giving up alcohol for a year to raise funds and awareness about the program. Simon is currently creating a website titled "Tahnee's year of abstinence" and I will let you all know the address when it is up and running. So here is the deal:

As of January 1, I will be alcohol free up until 12pm 31 December 2010. There is the opportunity to buy "pass outs", so that on the rare special occasion I can have a drink if I choose. However, the pass out will cost me $50 and I am not allowed for than 5 for the year. However, being an all or nothing kinda girl, my aim is to be alcohol free for the entire year- no pass outs. But I guess it is nice to know there is a safety net and the challenge remains on track if I want to celebrate a special occasion with my friends and family.

So watch out, over the next few months and into the new year I will be out and about looking for sponsors, individual, small businesses and corporations alike- no one is safe. And hopefully there will even be some people that would like to join me on my quest. And remember it doesn't have to be for a whole year- The Ocsober campaign will be running again next year and you can commit to giving up alcohol for a month. Not only will you be a better example to all the kids out there growing up in Australia's unfortunate drinking culture, but your liver will love you for it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Accidental Achieving

I have just realised that I unknowing achieved one of my goals today and didn't even realise it. I was getting a coffee at the local McCafe this morning, when the collection box for Ronald McDonald's house was starring me in the face. I had to scrouge up enough change to get my coffee and I looked at the last dollar that sat in my hand. My thought was "this was my last dollar, I might need to do some photocoping later or buy myself an apple" but what I felt was "Give the damn money away, if you really need the apple or to photocopy something you will find a way" This mental struggle went on for a few seconds longer than I would care to admit, but then I just felt wrong if I kept it for something, well meaningless. In so into Ronald's head it went

So... I just gave away my last dollar to someone who needed it more. It wasn't the way I had envisioned it happening, but my sense of charity prevailed over self gratification. Together with just banking the money I raised for CanTeen and achieveing the little challenge I set for myself this morning, I must admit I am on a bit of a good feeling vibe right now :)

P.S. I think I will keep that objective on my list though