Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So... what are we going to achieve?

To be perfectly honest, I am not sure exactly what I want to set out to achieve over the year, but there is a massive to do list that I have put on the back burner and always poundered "I'd love to that- I just don't have the time". Well now that I am a woman of action, it is time that list saw the light of day. Whilst this list will grow as the days roll on there are a few things that spring to mind instantly

1. Climb a Mountain
2. Be published as a poet
3. Meet Richard Branson (of Course)
4. Have a passionate kiss under the Effiel Tower with that someone special
5. Read all the books on my growing book list
6. Be Sober for a year (again)
7. Do a 10km run for charity
8. Do a triathalon for charity
9. Introduce my best friend Max to Daniel Craig
10. Buy my mum a dishwasher
11. Cut off my hair
12. Find the one, at the right time
13. Go skydiving
14. Give my last dollar to someone who needs it more

These are the ones that came to my mind with little effort, I am sure that there will be more as I have a chance to ponder on the topic. Generallly, there are ambitions that I would like to achieve on an on going basis for the rest of my life:

1. Be more environmentally conscience- I want every choice I make to be one that supports the environment and reduces my carbon footprint

2. Be more charitable- I live a privileged life and would like to give back to the world, and its people, that sustain me

3. Give love like I don't expect it back- there is so little love in the world that is given freely, without seeking the fruit of ones' labours- I'd like to change that, one smile at a time

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