Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1 year and a massive to do list...

I am a 26 year old woman starring out into the wildness, both literary and figuratively. Sipping my green tea from a hand painted ceramic teapot, I am sure it is obvious to more than myself that life is taking a different direction. No more wake n baking, hair of the dog chasing, orgasm faking or emotional masturbating. Like the change in morning rituals over the years to now, there is a massive change moving in. Patiently it had waited on the horizon, but now it knows no patience- my world is going to change.

It is time to make things happen. I have enjoyed pearls of good fortune that have fallen into my lap, but I have never had long to enjoy them because just as I did nothing for them to come into my life, I did nothing to prevent it from leaving. A number of forced changes of late have made me realise that as lucky as I am, I can be luckier, life can be more vibrant and I will finally be the person I have always known I could be, but never had the courage to find.

So why Richard Branson? Well a number of things happen in life which push us to action, and many which we neglect because of fear or disillusionment. Out of the many trials and tribulations that I have had over this year of transition, one fateful email from Virgin Blue Recruitment Services put a fire under my butt and pushed fear out of the window

Like many law graduates, I have entered into the "real world" at a time of economic uncertainty. When I entered my degree, the workplace was littered with positions and getting a job was as easy as bending down to pick up a piece of paper from the street. After 4 years and "personal growth" time in between, the job market is drier than the Sahara. I was not deterred. I dismissed the growing fear that surronded fellow graduates- "I'm not worried, I know that I will get a job".

Numerous "thank you but your application has been unsuccessful" letters later and I began to realise that this time the job might not just fall into my lap. So I started building up my networking circles. I had always been great with people and had an ability to form relationships easily. Whilst I enjoy these relationships, they are yet to bear fruit.

Then came Richard Branson...

Virgin Blue had an innovative legal graduate program that was better than any position that I could imagine- and they were interested in me! After pyschological, analytical and mathematical reasoning tests, I was through to the second round of the recruitment process. I told friends, family, collegues, acquaintances and even customers at my "transition" hospitality job about my enthuasism for the program. "You'll get it for sure" they all said with genuine smiles. I had worked hard, gone through the darkness and I was sure this was the light at the end of the tunnel. I was sure this was my time to shine

My eager anticipation disipated into despair as once again I opened an email "Whilst we have carefully examined your application, we will not be offering you a position in the graduate program." At first, I was ashamed to tell anyone that I had not been successful. I had told so many people that I felt like an idiot. That's when the email started a fire inside me. "You know what, the reason that I didn't get the job it that they didn't meet me. I am going to meet Richard Branson and he is going to give me a job"

And so begins the challenge

Whether I meet Richard Branson and whether he gives me a job is uncertain, but what I am certain of now is that only you can make your dreams come true- And I have been dreaming big for a long time so its time to act. I have made it my challenge to complete my current list of personal goals by the end of 2010, including meeting Richard Branson

And Richard, if you are out there- don't worry I am not sitting outside your bedroom window writing this blog as you sleep. I am stalking life and the ambition that you have unwittingly reinvigorated in me.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl - I'm going through the exactly the same thing (except not stalking Richard Branson). Rather, I am stalking recruitment consultants. But you are not alone! We should catch up soon!

    Check out my blog too - http://restaurantgroupie.blogspot.com/

    Charity x x
