Saturday, October 31, 2009

So how do you stalk a celebrity?

So the question that is posed on everyone's lips is- how exactly do you stalk someone but not "really stalk" someone? Wikipedia of course! Like many internet stalkers before me I typed in Richard Bransons name to find more informaiton about the man; What makes him tick? What traits do I possess that can make some sort of tangible connection between the man and myself?

Well tenacity is a strength I believed I could tie between us, but now I see only in a way that you may find betwwen a lioness and her cub. Both have the instincts of the wild- its inbreed. But the poignant difference is that one's skills are honed and seasoned; where the other's is in its infantile stages of development.
What drives both creatures forward, experienced and inexperinced is the same inherent spirit that exists from infancy to adulthood- the sense of advenute. One of may favourite quotes is "I would rather try and fail than fail to try"

Reading more about Richard Branson (being a published author numerous times over has made distance-stalking him much more attaintable) has made me realised the man is living my dream. An Empire that transcends corporate and business ideologies with an investment in the future and a generous hand that rewards the people that have brought it to fruition. Whilst I admit I am somewhat uncomfortable of learning of Virgin's involvement in the collapse of Ansett and the huge repurcussions it had for Australian employment and economy, I know know that broader considerations are to be had.

But what I know realise is this- the dreams I have maybe fancilful right now but that does not dismiss their viability. I am a monkey see monkey do kinda gal and if Richard Branson can start from "Tubular Bells" on Virgin Records to Mobile Phones, Bridla Dresses, Airlines, Tilting Trains... then who is to say that I can't build the my own diverse empire? Sure it takes guts and gumption, but luckily those are traits I possess and life experience is honing every day.

The Lessons I take from Richard so far are these:
1. Just Do it!
2. Have Fun!
3. Be Bold
4. Challenge yourself
5. Stand on your own feet
6. Live in the moment
7. Value Family and Friends
8. Have Respect
9. Environemntal Change starts here and now with every decision
10. Be true to your product/yourself
11. Be innovative
12. Think Young
13. Speed is the utlimate competitive weapon- act now!

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