Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do some good

I have noticed that many of my ambitions can be cross referenced with a charitable goal:

1. I am currently in communication with Life Education Australia, who recently ran the ocsober campaign, to see how I can create a similar campaign to raise money and awareness about alcohol abuse in Australia. If that doesn't make me give up alcohol for a year, I don't know what will

2. In relation to cutting may hair, there is always shave for a cure, which raises money for cancer research. I must admit that scares me more than an alcohol free year! But then again, it is just hair right?... right?

And for the first Monday in November I have set myself a mini challenge to get beef up my training for triathalons etc.

Here is the course I have set for myself

Leg 1: Ride from Currumbin Waters/Valley to Currumbin Estuary
Leg 2. Run from Currumbin Estuary to Currumbin Surf Club and Back to the Alley
Leg 3. Swim the mouth of Currumbin Creek and Back
Leg 4. Recovery power walk back to Currumbin Estuary
Leg 5. Ride Back to Currumbin

So how do you stalk a celebrity?

So the question that is posed on everyone's lips is- how exactly do you stalk someone but not "really stalk" someone? Wikipedia of course! Like many internet stalkers before me I typed in Richard Bransons name to find more informaiton about the man; What makes him tick? What traits do I possess that can make some sort of tangible connection between the man and myself?

Well tenacity is a strength I believed I could tie between us, but now I see only in a way that you may find betwwen a lioness and her cub. Both have the instincts of the wild- its inbreed. But the poignant difference is that one's skills are honed and seasoned; where the other's is in its infantile stages of development.
What drives both creatures forward, experienced and inexperinced is the same inherent spirit that exists from infancy to adulthood- the sense of advenute. One of may favourite quotes is "I would rather try and fail than fail to try"

Reading more about Richard Branson (being a published author numerous times over has made distance-stalking him much more attaintable) has made me realised the man is living my dream. An Empire that transcends corporate and business ideologies with an investment in the future and a generous hand that rewards the people that have brought it to fruition. Whilst I admit I am somewhat uncomfortable of learning of Virgin's involvement in the collapse of Ansett and the huge repurcussions it had for Australian employment and economy, I know know that broader considerations are to be had.

But what I know realise is this- the dreams I have maybe fancilful right now but that does not dismiss their viability. I am a monkey see monkey do kinda gal and if Richard Branson can start from "Tubular Bells" on Virgin Records to Mobile Phones, Bridla Dresses, Airlines, Tilting Trains... then who is to say that I can't build the my own diverse empire? Sure it takes guts and gumption, but luckily those are traits I possess and life experience is honing every day.

The Lessons I take from Richard so far are these:
1. Just Do it!
2. Have Fun!
3. Be Bold
4. Challenge yourself
5. Stand on your own feet
6. Live in the moment
7. Value Family and Friends
8. Have Respect
9. Environemntal Change starts here and now with every decision
10. Be true to your product/yourself
11. Be innovative
12. Think Young
13. Speed is the utlimate competitive weapon- act now!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Learning to Surf

The day has dawned on yet another beautiful day here on the sunny Gold Coast. I am here once again, with my tea pot of course, pondering the many ambitious challenges I have set for myself. One I forgot to mention but has been a long time goal for me is to surf. I mean, come on, I am a gold coast local and at 26 years of age I cannot stand up on a surfboard for longer than a couple of seconds

This goal has a long history of attempts with little follow through- but there have been a lot of laughs. I remember the last time I attempted surfing, I went out to a local beach with a few of the "longboarder" girls from work. Of course, I told them that I could surf. The truth is that I had had a few lessons when I was 16 and happened to be in possession of a shortboard, the more difficult style of board to surf with.

Well, this shortboard happened to have a "few soft spots" and was not exactly waterproof as I found out. I was also a good 10-15kg heavier than I am now, so the board had some difficulties keeping me afloat. Add to this a bikini that I was deluding myself was suitable disappeared up my butt crack EVERY time I jumped back on the board. I did manage to get up on one of the other girls' boards, but after flashing the world my butt and slowly sinking, I can't say the attempt was a successful one. Those girls and I still have a laugh at the time the "full moon rose over Currumbin beach"

Recently, I decided to bite the bullet and buy another board. And again, I put myself on a steep learning curve and got a shortboard. My father lovingly restored it, adding fibreglass and resin here and there, sanding, repairing dings and even painted the tail of the board gold. There was no way that this baby was going to sink. I went down to the local surf shop, got myself a rashie and some wax, chucked the board in my little 2 door car (which was an interesting event all in itself) and went down to the beach. As I gazed out at the ocean, fear struck me. Not that I might hurt myself, or a shark may come up from the depths and bite my leg off. I was afraid that I would look like an idiot... So after a leisurely swim at the beach, I ended up merely taking my surfboard for a drive.

Not deterred, I threw the board in the back the next fine day with had we conviction- I WAS GOING TO SURF. No ifs, no butts, no excuses. I arrived at the beach and smiled up at the sky as the warmth on the sun drenched my features. I was ready. Just as I was about to touch my surfboard, the phone rings. My boss was in desperate need of someone to cover a shift. Being in need of money and always a sucker for someone in need, the board again never made it out of the car. My father now asks me when I am going to take my board for a drive again...

And as fate would have it, now I have resolved to be fearless and let no challenge go unturned, an opportunity to learn again has presented itself. I was at work when I was having a friendly banter with some customers, one of which was not at all difficult to look at. He mentioned that it would be great to win the lotto so that he could be a beachbum and surf all day. I said that I was a beachbum in training and would be happy to help him spend his lotto winnings with him, should he win. After discussing my ambition to learn to surf, he gave me a big wink and said that he was a surf instructor. Over the course of the afternoon I chatted with him and his friends and thought nothing of our encounter. Then as they were leaving, he came up to me, gave me his number and said that if I was ever interested in that surf lesson he would love to teach me.

So, I have a free lesson from a tall, dark and handsome surfer dude... which I haven't called. I know, I know I am CRAZY. Whilst he was tall, dark and handsome, there were some boxes that remained unchecked and I am fussy these days. Plus I believe that if a guy really wants you (and not just what is in your pants) he will ask for your number, he will court you and blah blah blah- not give you his number and expect you to do the chasing.

After careful deliberation, I slapped myself up the side of the head and wiped the tickets of my shoulder- it's just a surfing lesson, its not a date or anything romantic. Although he showed definite interest in me, I just want a surfing lesson and that is what he offered. It doesn't get anymore simple than that. And if he is interested, well he will find out very quickly that he is going to have some work to on his hands.

So let let you know how it goes...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So... what are we going to achieve?

To be perfectly honest, I am not sure exactly what I want to set out to achieve over the year, but there is a massive to do list that I have put on the back burner and always poundered "I'd love to that- I just don't have the time". Well now that I am a woman of action, it is time that list saw the light of day. Whilst this list will grow as the days roll on there are a few things that spring to mind instantly

1. Climb a Mountain
2. Be published as a poet
3. Meet Richard Branson (of Course)
4. Have a passionate kiss under the Effiel Tower with that someone special
5. Read all the books on my growing book list
6. Be Sober for a year (again)
7. Do a 10km run for charity
8. Do a triathalon for charity
9. Introduce my best friend Max to Daniel Craig
10. Buy my mum a dishwasher
11. Cut off my hair
12. Find the one, at the right time
13. Go skydiving
14. Give my last dollar to someone who needs it more

These are the ones that came to my mind with little effort, I am sure that there will be more as I have a chance to ponder on the topic. Generallly, there are ambitions that I would like to achieve on an on going basis for the rest of my life:

1. Be more environmentally conscience- I want every choice I make to be one that supports the environment and reduces my carbon footprint

2. Be more charitable- I live a privileged life and would like to give back to the world, and its people, that sustain me

3. Give love like I don't expect it back- there is so little love in the world that is given freely, without seeking the fruit of ones' labours- I'd like to change that, one smile at a time

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1 year and a massive to do list...

I am a 26 year old woman starring out into the wildness, both literary and figuratively. Sipping my green tea from a hand painted ceramic teapot, I am sure it is obvious to more than myself that life is taking a different direction. No more wake n baking, hair of the dog chasing, orgasm faking or emotional masturbating. Like the change in morning rituals over the years to now, there is a massive change moving in. Patiently it had waited on the horizon, but now it knows no patience- my world is going to change.

It is time to make things happen. I have enjoyed pearls of good fortune that have fallen into my lap, but I have never had long to enjoy them because just as I did nothing for them to come into my life, I did nothing to prevent it from leaving. A number of forced changes of late have made me realise that as lucky as I am, I can be luckier, life can be more vibrant and I will finally be the person I have always known I could be, but never had the courage to find.

So why Richard Branson? Well a number of things happen in life which push us to action, and many which we neglect because of fear or disillusionment. Out of the many trials and tribulations that I have had over this year of transition, one fateful email from Virgin Blue Recruitment Services put a fire under my butt and pushed fear out of the window

Like many law graduates, I have entered into the "real world" at a time of economic uncertainty. When I entered my degree, the workplace was littered with positions and getting a job was as easy as bending down to pick up a piece of paper from the street. After 4 years and "personal growth" time in between, the job market is drier than the Sahara. I was not deterred. I dismissed the growing fear that surronded fellow graduates- "I'm not worried, I know that I will get a job".

Numerous "thank you but your application has been unsuccessful" letters later and I began to realise that this time the job might not just fall into my lap. So I started building up my networking circles. I had always been great with people and had an ability to form relationships easily. Whilst I enjoy these relationships, they are yet to bear fruit.

Then came Richard Branson...

Virgin Blue had an innovative legal graduate program that was better than any position that I could imagine- and they were interested in me! After pyschological, analytical and mathematical reasoning tests, I was through to the second round of the recruitment process. I told friends, family, collegues, acquaintances and even customers at my "transition" hospitality job about my enthuasism for the program. "You'll get it for sure" they all said with genuine smiles. I had worked hard, gone through the darkness and I was sure this was the light at the end of the tunnel. I was sure this was my time to shine

My eager anticipation disipated into despair as once again I opened an email "Whilst we have carefully examined your application, we will not be offering you a position in the graduate program." At first, I was ashamed to tell anyone that I had not been successful. I had told so many people that I felt like an idiot. That's when the email started a fire inside me. "You know what, the reason that I didn't get the job it that they didn't meet me. I am going to meet Richard Branson and he is going to give me a job"

And so begins the challenge

Whether I meet Richard Branson and whether he gives me a job is uncertain, but what I am certain of now is that only you can make your dreams come true- And I have been dreaming big for a long time so its time to act. I have made it my challenge to complete my current list of personal goals by the end of 2010, including meeting Richard Branson

And Richard, if you are out there- don't worry I am not sitting outside your bedroom window writing this blog as you sleep. I am stalking life and the ambition that you have unwittingly reinvigorated in me.