Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spin it again Mr DJ

So the floods waters invaded our garage and our hard work being prepared for our move has been set back. But with the waters brought diaries from my younger years, poems penned in 2000 and earlier admist all that tennage angst. But whilst some of the words were heart breaking or a little disturbing, there was one line which caught my eye. "Instant gratification is for the weak, follow your heart to find your strength" 13 years later and I am still trying to breaking from that weakness and find my strength. The lesson is short and simple. This is something that I need to do for myself, that I need to free myself and find true happiness. Not consumerist satification, feeling bloated on a life that brings me ruin. I need to make myself accountable for myself and this I promise to myself will happen. No more excuses. I have seen people tranform their lives over only a few months - there is absolutely NO reason why I cannot do this for myself.

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