Friday, October 28, 2011

Wait for it... I am planning a perfect constructed title

Maybe I could write lists. Maybe I could write drafts of things rather than thoughts spewed out onto a page. Maybe I could plan things. That looks like a wonderful thing – planning. I was wrote it off as something that boring people do. Things that are done by people that lack spontaneity; spunk. But I look at my partner, with sheets of notes, sitting in front of a computer finally starting to compose thoughts into a finer form, concepts having come from a place where thoughts were incubated first. And it occurred to me that maybe planning or being able to plan could be something wonderful.

Just imagine what could happen if you actually planned something. You might actually have the sunscreen you need when you got to the beach, rather than having to buy it later. You may actually have all the underwear that you require for extended periods that you are away from your dresser draw. Maybe just maybe, you would have could have a moment of solitude two to three steps into a journey and breathe easy because you have everything that you need to take the next step... and the one that follows that.

But also there is that something amazing like a tender yet firm succession of kisses that come out of the blue when you are in the midst of planning something. I guess that there is a balance to it all. It is the “something” in the solitude; the nurtured comfort of having at least thought of what you may need to allows the simple pleasure of enjoying the moments were serendipity brings something beautiful to your life.

I think that I have spent too much time not thinking ahead that I spend so much time thinking all the time. What’s happening now, what do I need to do next, have I done everything I need to do now, what do I need to do to fix the things that I have missed by flying at the seat of my pants?
It is a travesty when I am sharing a kiss with my love that my mind still continues to spin – what am I doing after this? Do I have everything for dinner? Do I need to go to shops? It’s not like I am not enjoying what I am doing in the moment that I need to keep my mind busy. It’s the pure fact that I never slow my mind enough to ask simple questions of preparation which could ease the machine gun fire of reactive thinking.

So... I have decided to think slowly and let’s see where that takes me – I think probably to a place of less stress.
And that could be something wonderful.

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