Sunday, July 4, 2010

Just a thought for for the Legal Purist

Call me simple;

Call me naive;

Call me a lawyer in her infancy, closing her eyes and pushing her fingers deep into her ears because she refuses to believe what she sees. But what is happening to this beautiful entity by which lawyers surrender their integrity, their ambition, their will to by right but the world and in its place justice is born? The institution which I have subscribed, the one to which I will willing give myself in the pursuit of a better world, one case at a time?

What I am is an idealist. I believe in the law; as an institution, as a social regulator, as a mother to a world of unruly children that need both guidance and a firm hand. But my heart pales when her virtue is ever so slowly being stripped away as she climbs into bed with politics, media and business. Strategic maneuvers of vendetta on personal and global fronts, Her guiding hand forced into a fists to strike blows of the cowardly vengeful.

Why is it that increasing costs will give a father a right to his son, when the decency to admit to a web of fabricated lies is not enough? When a advocate will allow bitter malice to manipulate the law into a vice around the hearts of those we can no longer control. When did justice and moral decency take a backseat? Will it ever drive again?

Why is it the media and her wanton ways; disloyal, unfaithful, lustful and flippant- turn the heads of many, propel them to do what is just? For them to purge, to recede, to sing, to dance? And the worse that we accept it? That we watch them lay themselves on the mercy of the court, kneel in legal confessional when they have not the heart to support the conviction of their pleas. Purely forced by the torturous media, pinning their arms behind their back until they scream uncle that bring those words to part. The fact that so may of my fellow advocates allow the worship of such a false idol; allows justice to move to the hands of the media tyrant; watches the law and her majesty fade to a shell of historic formality is what brings shadow into my heart

This world is mourning the loss of valour in man; the humanity, the honour, the dignity and divinity to serve the truth. In a debaucherous world where we would rather serve the harlot media, the vengence of man or the mistress of politics than the law in her virtue, I am lost.

For me, The law is our mother, her arms open and whisper these gentle words to those that still have the ability to hear her:

"Come to me. I will do what is right; by you; by the community for which you are the "I". I may be harsh, but I will be fair. I will weight you by the feather of truth and with the guidance of your peers, you shall be judged.

But know this: If you do not resist me, I will be your guiding light. I will show you the purification of contrition and the salvation to do right by your fellow man. I will give you tangible payment so that your soul may purge this injurious assault.

But if you betray me, and to the depths of your deceit, you will be matched by reciprocal fury. Fore in the end all lessons are the same and must be learned. It is you that chooses the path for which you will be lead"

God give me the grace to bring to life these virtues;
To restore the law to her rightful brilliance;
To return faith and confidence in her to the society of which she is their servant

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