Monday, January 11, 2010

Off and racing into the New Year

Hello again my poppets. I am sorry that I haven't been blogging my heart out as usual. It is already 12 days into the new year and the days have been flying along! You will be happy to hear that my lack of blog-worthy text is not due to inaction or procrastination. I have genuinely been busy tackling this new year and all the goals I have set for myself. Take today for example. I was up just after 5am and went for 3km or so walk along the beach with my mother. Then back home and into the Wii Fit Plus for some yoga, strength training and a bit of a laugh. Then I grabbed my surfboard and headed out to the Currumbin Estuary where I am keenly practicing my paddling skills so I don't drown or pass out from exhaustion when I finally hit the waves this weekend. Now I am here with you, and keeping on top of my "quit for a cause" campaigning and a brief saunter into the job market to find the job of my dreams. Then off to the Chiropractor at 11pm, work from 12-3.30, then jog till 4.00, swimming with max till 5pm and then back to work till 9.30. So as you can imagine my ceramic teapot is having a restful break as I give the old coffee machine a good workout.

So now I must admit most of my blogs this year will be short and sweet as I briefly flutter here and tell you of my little daily miracles and jog off to that big wide world. I am getting closer to all my goals step by step and I will let you know how it all goes. Until then, let a smile grace your face xoxoxo

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