Sunday, January 24, 2010

Australia Day Sobriety

Hello and Happy Australia Day Bloggites! I know that I am a day early on the salutations, but if I was blogging on a public Holiday it would just be unaustralian.

So I am sure you are wondering how the whole sobriety challenge is going. I am happy to report that it is going well- not one little drop of alcohol has passed these lips in 25 days- yay me :) I think I am up to stage 4 of the yet undetermined number of stages through this challenge. What is stage number 4 you ask. Well I think it might be useful to go through the first few so we all know we are standing.

Stage One: Sleep Deprivation
This may not be the case for every person who decides to ditch the bottle, but for a good 2 weeks my quality of sleep was shocking. I didn't realise that on most, if not every night, I wen to sleep with a bit of a wobble on. So getting to sleep without a wink of assistance was a little trying. But as you guessed it- I prevailed. Nearing the end of the second week I was exercising my heart out, trying to keep days jam packed so at the end of the day I would pass out from exhaustion. I am SUPER happy to say that this stage has passed and I am sleeping like a baby.

Stage Two: Sugar Craving
I have been assured that this one happens to every reformed drinker- The sugar cravings. I bet whilst you where getting tipsy that you didn't know you were ingesting a whole lot of sugar. Yes- especially in beer. Wine is not so bad, but carbs are similar, if not sugar and there are loads of carbs in Wine...
So I went a little baking crazy, starting with lemon butter- an orgasmic infusion of lemon, egg and sugar slowly cooked over a double boiler until it becomes heaven in liquid form. Then there was the ice creams- Banana, Coconut... I managed to refrained myself from baking cookies otherwise I would be the size of a house right now. And my dear friend Chocolate, I know I abused you for a week there, but I have a healthy respect for you once again I promise. To top it off I have watched that much Nigella Lawson that I have been eating sugar vicariously through her. Sugar Cracvings and all, there is still somethings I won't do- Like eating butterscotch sauce by the tablespoon in the middle of the night (or at anytime mind you) Thank you Nigella for sacrificing your arse for mine. I am happy again to say that the sugar cravings have passed and my diet back on the healthy track.

Stage 3: My good I am 17 again- but worse!
Hello pimples! Of course this stage does have something to do with all the ingested sugar over the prior weeks, but it is also a case of the old body going "Hang on a minute... its been a good 2-3 weeks since tahnee has injected toxins into me- EVACUATE TOXINS NOW BEFORE SHE CHANGES HER MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I am currently sponsored by Natio, Neutragena and the saltwater at Currumbin Alley. Unfortunately I cannot report that this stage has passed, but it has reduced in severity (Thank god! I only have so much fringe to cover my forehead)

And Welcome to the Now.

Stage 4:Emotional Evacuation
This might not be what everyone goes through and it isn't like I avoiding the TV in case a Hallmark moment comes on. But after I stopped trying to distract myself with alcohol and then sugar, the silence that comes after the cessation of distraction is brief. It seems the mind and soul have got the message that the body sent out to my face "Oh, looks like it spring cleaning time. Lets get rid of some of that baggage we have been carrying around shall we?" So I have had the pleasure of recounting some of the more painful and embarrassing events of my life. Though pleasure really isn't the correct word to describe this phase, I know that it is good for me. I am just waiting to feel like it is good for me. But slowly but surely I have been able to let go, piece by piece, like dropping sheets of paper into the wind. I am guessing I have a manuscript of papers to go, but at least I have started.

But on all accounts this is going really well and with all these stages I haven't had a chance to even thinking about alcohol. For the record, I am still my happy positive self, just with a few private moments that's all :)

So happy Australia and I'll raise my Bundy Ginger Beer with you all in toast to this great nation. See you at the Beach xoxox

Monday, January 11, 2010

Off and racing into the New Year

Hello again my poppets. I am sorry that I haven't been blogging my heart out as usual. It is already 12 days into the new year and the days have been flying along! You will be happy to hear that my lack of blog-worthy text is not due to inaction or procrastination. I have genuinely been busy tackling this new year and all the goals I have set for myself. Take today for example. I was up just after 5am and went for 3km or so walk along the beach with my mother. Then back home and into the Wii Fit Plus for some yoga, strength training and a bit of a laugh. Then I grabbed my surfboard and headed out to the Currumbin Estuary where I am keenly practicing my paddling skills so I don't drown or pass out from exhaustion when I finally hit the waves this weekend. Now I am here with you, and keeping on top of my "quit for a cause" campaigning and a brief saunter into the job market to find the job of my dreams. Then off to the Chiropractor at 11pm, work from 12-3.30, then jog till 4.00, swimming with max till 5pm and then back to work till 9.30. So as you can imagine my ceramic teapot is having a restful break as I give the old coffee machine a good workout.

So now I must admit most of my blogs this year will be short and sweet as I briefly flutter here and tell you of my little daily miracles and jog off to that big wide world. I am getting closer to all my goals step by step and I will let you know how it all goes. Until then, let a smile grace your face xoxoxo

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Please help make a difference

Dear friends,

Please check out my fundraising page:

I'm trying to make a difference for a great cause that is close to my heart.

I have created a fundraising page through GoFundraise to help support this cause and raise some much needed funds.

I would greatly appreciate your support by making a donation to through my web page. You can also leave personal messages and get involved yourself. 

Together we can make a difference.

Thank you for your help!