Monday, December 28, 2009

Introducing zen into the mixture

Good Morning Bloggites! It has been a while since my teapot and I have made an appearance, and whilst my teapot cannot join us at this time, I only happy to represent us both.

The last few weeks have been a truly marvelous time for me. I have enjoyed another fabulous Christmas with my family, I have got my best friend back from Panama and I had the opportunity to travel throughout Vietnam with my mother. I have done more in the last two months than I have in my whole life and honestly I couldn’t be happier. The traveler’s bible, Lonely Planet, cautioned in jest “Warning: Traveling to Vietnam may change your life”. As clique as it sounds, it has. If I a woman still in the wilderness, I am truly among it rather than gazing upon it. I finally feel at home in my own skin.

Last night was the first time in my life that someone had described me as calm. And at that moment I realized, I was no longer nervous about the world, I was no longer trying to manipulate it or control it. I am finally just enjoying the ride. For that and many lessons, Vietnam I thank you.

In addition to enjoying the ride, I have truly found the meaning of gratitude. Sometimes all it takes it a walk in another man’s shoes to realize how comfortable your shoes are. For all the bitching and moaning I used to do, I give anyone living in a third world country the permission to slap me…gently. I have finally realized the fulfillment of life is to focus on the haves, not the have-nots. If all I had in this world are my family and friends, I am wealthier than most people than most people I meet. Believe it or not, I am truly blessed.

So what I going to do with this “zen” energy? I am going to DO. You hear me, Tahnee, the master procrastinator is actually going to start putting her money were her mouth is. And if I were you, I be edging your bets in my direction, because this year I am on a winner. Just for starters, this is what we can all expect to see me cross of the list in the new year:

I will get an awesome job
I will find an awesome pad in the city that is perfect for the three ferrets in every way
I will dance Salsa, Hip Hop and Contemporary
I will write a song… or two( woo hoo... sorry I have the rhyming fever)
I will give up alcohol and raise money and awareness whilst doing it
I will write, read and continue my research
I will take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself
I will be kind to myself
I will learn French
I will be financially free

And that’s just the beginning people. And Richard, if you are reading this, I haven’t forgotten you- You on the list too buddy so watch out!

Well Goodbye for now as I am off to conquer the world, and rest assured I will keep you posted.

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