Monday, April 9, 2012

Something in discipline

There is something in discipline... and prayer - two things I never saw myself subscribing to when I was 18 (or even 25). But there is. It is like the 5 year old's realisation that "I shouldn't touch that hot plate because it will burn me". It is just a plain simple truth that no matter how much you protest or try and resist it, it doesn't matter because truth is truth. Unlike people, truth doesn't care if it is accepted; but just like accepting that fire = hot, accepting the truth that discipline and prayer have a place in our lives makes living a whole lot easier.

That small acceptance has been creeping up on me for the last few months. And I have been resisting that truth moment of realization so that real change didn't have to occur. I mean, honestly God didn't create us who in turn created Beer if it wasn't meant to be part of a balanced weight loss regime? And the same for potato chips, chocolate and (my favourite) cheese. (honestly if there was a way to cut out the middle man and inject cheese straight into my veins, I would strongly consider it).

But alas the simple truth dawned when I was minding my own business, walking to the train "To lose weight you need to exercise... a lot; to maintain the way you want to look, you need to exercise... a lot (oh wait it gets better); sitting on my arse drinking cheese and eating Beer (you heard me) will undo the "a lot of exercise" and will give me an opposite outcome to what I want; and (the grand finale) it is the reason I got to to need for a lot of exercise followed by another serving of exercise.


After that truth had punched me in my soft and somewhat flabby underbelly, there came the small little truths doing damage control " You know you feel better physically and emotionally when you live this way" "it for your own good" "the results you want ARE achievable"... and so on.

And then after feeling a little sorry for myself and mourning the loss of my close friend cheese, another truth came up and gently tapped me on the shoulder "You don't have to do this alone". The power of prayer, the humility to just ask for help can and will do amazing things.

Amen to that.