Monday, February 27, 2012

The same again thanks

So here it is again, a period of sobriety. There is no philantropic reasons or humanitarian health message. It is purely simple. I want to lose weight.

Argh - I hate that sentenance. Maybe it is better to say that I want be healthier, fitter, stronger... all of which is true. But those thoughts do no go through my mind when I jump on the scales.

So it's simple - I go to the gym at lest 5 days a weeks, up to 2 - 2 1/2 hours per day (thanks max ;) ) I drink heaps of water, I eat healthy... but the weight is not shifting. Sure it sways up and down 2 kgs but it is not moving.

My powers of deduction tell me it is the one thing that in all honesty I would prefer it wasn't - alcohol. My bedfellow for many a year, it is time to kick you out of bed... for a little while at least.

Alcohol = empty calories. Hang over = hunger for Sh!t food, less motivation for exercise and generally kick starts the cycle of self loathing on Monday morning where alcohol's kiss lingers still but the scales let me know with no uncertainty that it is not the only thing that lingers. Damn.

So I am tying a modest period of sobriety 28 February 2012 - 28 April 2012 until My Birthday. So this is day 1. I will spare you the down to the minute commentary but I will see you on the other side, hopefully a little lighter :)